Residential or Commercial, We Get You The Permit Or License To Get The Job Done
At East of Collins Expediting we offer a full service comprehensive package for all your permitting, licensing, and special event needs. Our team of experienced professionals understand what it takes to get building permits and licenses approved. Our staff will facilitate every aspect of the process from research to project management through completion, or we customize our services to only specific areas of your permitting needs.

- New Construction / Renovations
- Certificates of Occupancy / TCO
- Certificates of Use
- Change of Contractor
- City, County & State Permits
- Department of Health
- Open/Expired Permits
- Pool Permits
- Trade Permits
- Roof Permits
- Violations
- Water Sewer Dept
- Right of Way (ROW)
- Sidewalk Closure
- Lane Closure

Special Event Permits
- Tent Permits
- Trussing Permits
- Stage Permits
- Generator Permits
- Temporary Restroom Permits
- Neighborhood Sign off
- Meter Rentals
- Police / Fire Staffing
- Sidewalk / Lane Closure
- Facilitate Life / Safety Plans, Contractors and Engineers
- Inspection Services
- Film Permit
- Drone Permits
- Pop Up Permit
- Sampling Permits
- FDOT Permit
- Location Scouting
- Fire Permit
- 1,2,3 Day Alcohol License
- Attestations

- Certificates of Use
- Occupational License / Business Tax Receipts
- 4COP: Alcohol license / 2COP: Beer & Wine
- Seating/Food License (DBPR,DOH or Agriculture)
- Grease Discharge Operating Permit (GDO)
- Annual Fire Operating License
- IW5 permit
- New Corporation/Fictitious Names

Support Services
- City and Countywide Research
- Document Translation
- Document Recording
- Trade Referrals
- Public Notary

- Architects / Engineers
- Attorneys
- Business Owners
- Contractors
- Property Managers
- Property/Home Owners
- Realtors & Title Agencies